Time Consuming Night

Okay, so I am working on my Final Project for Advanced Illustration and I chose Abduzeedo’s inspiration Skateboard Deck Illustration. I’m on step 16, and already am frustrated with the duplicate of triangles. First the ellipses were a pain in the butt, but I think I got the hang of it. At first I checked out the Ornate Lettering and I figured,”hey that would be cool to do”, but I wouldn’t know what type of swashes or any kind of background to use that is not formatted in Photoshop CS5+ and besides we’re working in Illustrator. Then I was trying to figure out the Comic Illustration, but I wanted to come up with my own…not sure if we can. Okay, maybe not my own persay but maybe a pre-existing comic book like Superman or something, and he’s ripping his shirt open to expose the Superman Logo, but I wanted to change that up just a little bit.  I’m really good at drawing people, just like quick sketches or so (example the children’s illustration assignment), but when it comes to formatting details and shadows like the Comic Illustration that is where my weakness lies. Also the sense of a realistic comic book figure is tough to imagine. I mean I have the sketch in my head, but bringing it to life on paper is more difficult because I would be creating it specifically from scratch, and knowing me it would look bad. Right now, I am looking through a drawing book containing fashion models and how to draw out their fashionable clothing. I might do the Comic Illustration,but instead of it being a Comic maybe a Fashion Designer poster instead with those models being shown or something.